A letter to Evie on her first day of Year One

Our big beautiful baby girl. With your beautiful bronzed skin and messy of curly hair that we fight over most days. You are beautiful in the most natural and effortless of ways. Light shines out of your big brown eyes and your toothy smile is almost always plastered across your face, enjoying your life and loving the gift of learning that presents itself with each new situation.

You are sure of yourself and your opinions but at the same time seek approval and confirmation. You are a busy body which drives me nuts but only because I see myself in you as I am sure I too was exactly the same although not as aware of the world around me as you. At six you feel every emotion to the extreme, an intensity that worries us for what your teenage years might look like and how we will help you manage all of these feelings. I fear I am too practical and not patient or emotionally giving enough for your needs.

We are so proud of you and the courage you are showing starting a new school. Leaving your much loved newly found school life behind and starting anew because it is what our family needs. I am full of desperate hope for you to find your place easily and seamlessly in the new life. I cannot wait to see you as a big sister to your new baby brother or sister. In my mind I see you in 6 months time wandering around with a chubby bub on your hip, dressing him or her up, playing in the bath and showering him or her with as much love as you bestow so willingly and effortlessly upon Harry, Daddy and myself.

Daddy and my happiest moments eventuate from watching you and Harry play together, your bond seems unbreakable and that you genuinely (most days) like and love each other. I hope the baby doesn’t change this but also that it fits with the two of you.

You are the most genuinely caring person I know and at 6 years of age that blows my mind. You empathise and care deeply for everyone around you and I hope that stages brightly in your future career whatever that may be.

Good Luck my darling on your first day of year one. Always remember as the tides of time swell and ebb around us we stand steadfast and strong in our love for you.


Mummy and Daddy