A letter to Harry at 5 years old

My darling boy

How on earth are you 5! Where has the time gone? You were the most welcome surprise of our lives and you made our family even more perfect. You are sweet and affectionate, inquisitive and oh so funny. I love listening to you and Evie together, especially in the mornings when you think we are asleep. Sometime you are awake but mostly she wakes you and you rarely get cranky with her. I love your relationship with each other and how well you play. I love seeing you protect each other from many different parts of life and I hope with all my heart that continues through the years. I hope you always love each other as much as you do now, today.

I am secretly (or not so secretly) happy that I am your favourite ;) I know it won’t be that way forever and I cherish the feeling of the immense love and affection you bestow upon me. One day other things will become important to you and I will have to share your love and attention. You are my little honeybunny and I know I will always love to treat you as such.

You love to fight with your daddy and play rough but at the same time you seem to know how to save it for him and Evie and you are gentle with everyone else. I can’t wait to see how you are with your baby brother or sister. You have been most excited about the new baby which really surprised me as I feel it will affect you most. You pat my tummy every day and were most concerned why the baby was making me sick in the early stages.

You have the best vocabulary for a 5 year old, EVER. I love listening to the way you talk and what goes through your little mind. You are always happy to share your questions and musings. You have a thirst for learning more about the world and environment around you. You amuse everyone with what and how you say it and you definitely have a gift for theatrics!

I hope you enjoy your big boy party on the weekend and it is all you imagined. I love you now and forever my sweet honey bunny.

Your Mummy xxx